Monday, January 9, 2012

About tree ownership in Singapore.

Many arborists in Singapore are invited to study health and risk assessment of trees for property owners. They have been conservative towards risk assessment because most property owners appreciate new buildings, concrete and metal rather than trees.

These trees had been standing there for the past many decades, providing shade and shelter for us, taking in the carbon dioxide and giving us new fresh oxygen, giving birds a home and working 24 hours a day without asking for any credit. All they need is a constant correct attention.

Keeping trees in the estate can be at very low expenses but when old trees are not healthy and sick, surgery could be costly.

The job of an arborist is a language translator, to tell human what the tree is trying to say. But most of the arborist are being pressured that they do not want to take liability from the risk involve as nothing is 100% guarantee that the tree will not fail. Like any human medical doctor, they will tell the patient’s family the most conservative chances and solutions, and have to take the risk for undergoing treatment.

Here lies my love for trees, I found this poem from a book and share with you before reading the report.

The Tree’s Prayer

You who would pass by and raise your hand against me
            listen before you harm me.

I am the heat of your hearth on the cold winter nights,
            the friendly shade screening you from the summer sun;

And my fruits are refreshing draughts
            quenching your thirst as you journey on.

I am the beam that holds your house,
            the board of your table,
            the bed on which you lie
            and the timber that build your boat.

I am the handle of your hoe
            and the door of your homestead,
            the wood of your cradle
            and the shell of your coffin.

I am the gift of God
            and the friend of man.

You who pass by, listen to my prayer…
            Harm me not.

                                    (Anonymous translated from the Portugese)


ling said...

Hi Gho!
I remember you n your wife.
How are you?

I am still at Bukittinggi.
I have been Vietnam, Kamboja n Thai on august 2010 for travelling.

Are you still travelling with motorbike?

May be few more months i will to singapore.

ling said...

Hi Gho!

I remember you n your wife.
How are you?

I am still at bukittinggi.
I have been to Vietnam, Kamboja n Thailand on august 2010.

Are you still travelling with motorbike?