Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pictures from my phone.

Just some pictures stored in my phone.

 Found this retro foot massage machine during spring cleaning.

Is this an animal?

Beautiful Jade Vine.

From the museum...

 Trying to protect myself from bee attack during work. He said: lets see how it works.

Which part of Singapore?

Today we went for a short ride...

 Morning fisherman trading.

 interesting trees and nature.

Any subtitles?

We didn't let teddy know that we went on a short trip. She is still happily at home.

Picture taken from work. This is a portion of a palm tree which I am still removing. The cuts were not that good. Can you guess the height of this palm tree?

I saw this Malaysia vehicle in Singapore doing business in Clementi Carpark.

I wonder if it needs a hawker license. by the way, caravan or camper vans are not allowed in Singapore.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

At a moment, I was thinking what is life. I attended a session of training at Institute of Adult Learning and the trainer made me reflect on myself. I'm 35 this year and half of my life was used. What have I done? Yes, seen the world, can close my eyes when I die, but so what?

On politics, there will never be a dish to satisfy everyone's taste. The trick to the game is to win vote.

On health, what if I can live till 90? Its not important. What's important is the quality time.

On family, shall I move away to a place with more breathing space?

A tiger leaves it's skin after it die, a man leaves his name. So what about leaving a name?

Everyone will grow old, everyone will die.

I had never talked about the big trip to anyone in Singapore, for the past 3 years. Why?

I wanted to write a book about it but I don't even like to read a book, why so?

Guess I need time for reflection now.

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Friend...

i use to work in that place. i have a good colleague that is a good silence worker and do not gossip about anyone else. Ming, comes from Johor of Malaysia, would ride his motorbike from home to join the heavy congestion in the custom to come for singapore to work for less than S$1800 a month, if i'm not wrong about his pay. his job is to do odd job in the nursery/garden that sell plants to do upgrading works. When ever i go to that place to buy plants, he would say hello and continue his work. his hello is sincere. after a hard day's work, he would ride his motorbike to join the busy queue in the custom, to go back home. by the time he reaches home, it would be about 8pm. next day, he got to wake up at 6am. just to work. he passed away recently, falling off from work. i went to his funeral in Johor, Malaysia. I met his 2 children, in their teenage years. Ming is about 40 years old. although he is just an odd job laborer, to me, he is a good employee, responsible worker, good husband and a good father. he contributed greatly to the society. Why? he raised 2 kids that is filial and responsible. The 2 kids impressed me. They are the future of the society. I don't see such kids in Singapore. just a bridge away, they are so mature and understanding. if i compare myself when i was their age, i am just a little boy. Ming: you did a great job and has not let everyone down. You are a great man in my heart. Go... go to the place you wish to go because u have already accomplished what u need to do in this living world.